Simple GitOps with Nomad

I was looking at a simple way to do GitOps with Nomad for my Homelab. Unlike the Kubernetes ecosystem, there doesn’t seem to be many examples of GitOps workflows in Nomad.

My goal was to find an easy way to automatically keep my Nomad jobs up to date with my Git repo.

Start a dev environment

Ensure Docker Desktop is running and run the following command within a terminal

nomad agent -dev -bind -network-interface=en0

Now go to http://localhost:4646 and check that the Nomad UI shows.

Create a basic job

Hashicorp recently released an official hashicorp/nomad Docker image that contains the Nomad binary built-in, which makes it super easy to interact with a Nomad cluster from a CI/CD pipeline.

Instead of using this within a CI/CD pipeline, we can use this Docker image inside a Nomad job that can interact with our cluster.

job "gitops" {
  group "gitops" {
    task "gitops" {
      driver = "docker"
      config {
        image        = "hashicorp/nomad"
        entrypoint = ["/bin/sh", "-c", "while true; do sleep 500; done"]

      env {
        NOMAD_ADDR = "http://${attr.nomad.advertise.address}"

We can deploy this job to the cluster using the following command

$ nomad job run gitops.nomad.hcl
==> 2023-08-13T11:44:46+10:00: Monitoring evaluation "4d713567"
    2023-08-13T11:44:46+10:00: Evaluation triggered by job "gitops"
    2023-08-13T11:44:46+10:00: Allocation "cdb222d8" created: node "7595b72c", group "gitops"
    2023-08-13T11:44:47+10:00: Evaluation within deployment: "cbafa6b7"
    2023-08-13T11:44:47+10:00: Evaluation status changed: "pending" -> "complete"
==> 2023-08-13T11:44:47+10:00: Evaluation "4d713567" finished with status "complete"
==> 2023-08-13T11:44:47+10:00: Monitoring deployment "cbafa6b7"
 Deployment "cbafa6b7" successful

    ID          = cbafa6b7
    Job ID      = gitops
    Job Version = 2
    Status      = successful
    Description = Deployment completed successfully

    Task Group  Desired  Placed  Healthy  Unhealthy  Progress Deadline
    gitops      1        1       1        0          2023-08-13T11:55:04+10:00

This task won’t do anything by itself, as we’ve overridden the entrypoint to just sleep the container, but this will allow us to shell into the container and verify that it can talk to Nomad.

We can use the nomad alloc exec command to shell into the container and manually run the nomad command to verify that it can connect to Nomad.

$ nomad alloc exec -job gitops sh
/ # nomad status
ID             Type     Priority  Status          Submit Date
gitops         service  50        running         2023-08-13T01:44:46Z

The command correctly printed out what was running, which shows that the it can connect to Nomad.

Cloning a Git repo and running a job

Next we can use Nomad’s artifact block to clone a Git repo that contains some example Nomad jobs.

Before we continue, we should stop the old job and purge it (as we plan on switching the job type to “batch”, which requires removing the old job first).

nomad job stop gitops -purge

Next we can edit the job, adding the artifact block, changing the type to batch and changing the entrypoint so it runs a example job.

job "gitops" {
  type = "batch"

  group "gitops" {
    task "gitops" {
      driver = "docker"
      config {
        image = "hashicorp/nomad"
        args = ["job", "run", "/local/repo/jobs/redis.nomad.hcl"]

      env {
        NOMAD_ADDR = "http://${attr.nomad.advertise.address}"

      artifact {
        source      = "git::"
        destination = "local/repo"

Next lets run the job and check it runs correctly

$ nomad job run jobs/gitops/gitops.nomad.hcl
==> 2023-08-13T12:27:53+10:00: Monitoring evaluation "6d0cc470"
    2023-08-13T12:27:53+10:00: Evaluation triggered by job "gitops"
    2023-08-13T12:27:53+10:00: Allocation "cf418091" created: node "7595b72c", group "gitops"
    2023-08-13T12:27:54+10:00: Evaluation status changed: "pending" -> "complete"
==> 2023-08-13T12:27:54+10:00: Evaluation "6d0cc470" finished with status "complete"

On the last line we can check that the evaluation completed successfully, which means the example redis job from the Git repo should be running, we can check by running the following

$ nomad job status redis
ID            = redis
Name          = redis
Submit Date   = 2023-08-13T12:25:07+10:00
Type          = service
Priority      = 50
Datacenters   = *
Namespace     = default
Node Pool     = default
Status        = running
Periodic      = false
Parameterized = false

Task Group  Queued  Starting  Running  Failed  Complete  Lost  Unknown
redis       0       0         1        0       0         0     0

Latest Deployment
ID          = 7389275f
Status      = successful
Description = Deployment completed successfully

Task Group  Desired  Placed  Healthy  Unhealthy  Progress Deadline
redis       1        1       1        0          2023-08-13T12:35:25+10:00

ID        Node ID   Task Group  Version  Desired  Status   Created    Modified
3a81ae69  7595b72c  redis       0        run      running  7m27s ago  7m8s ago

Under the Summary section we can see that the redis task is running, which means the job was successfully deployed.